Mick Ó Seasnáin

Parking in Front of the Westbury

I wonder why the man unsteadily
walks with his cigarette so tightly pressed
to his lips. Sauntering, he sweatily
sucks the butt, and straight-sends it air express,
as if stepping off the rubber. Steadily
it flies through the window of a passing
mustang. Why he threw it? Anyone’s guess…

Then in squeals and smoke the car breaks, returns,
and out jumps a thuggish fiend surpassing
average size. Red faced, anger burns
in showers of obscenities, sassing
in screams. Briefly, the fool freezes, then turns,
dashing from the parking lot into his
building. His pants flooded in his own piss.


Mick Ó Seasnáin teaches English Language Arts and Composition courses for the University of Akron Wayne College and Wooster High School; he holds a B.A. from Baldwin Wallace University and an M.A.T. from Miami University. His works have been featured in the Ohio Journal of English Language Arts (OJELA), Ohio Teachers Write (OTW), Literary Orphans Journal, The Legendary Literary Magazine, and Teachers of Vision magazine.  Mick and his wife live in Wooster with their three children.

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