Issue Six

Up The River, Issue 6


Up The River, Issue Six Contributors

Caroline Bardwell
Knowing Tragedy

Robert Beveridge
Cardboard Enema

Thomas Bonville
Trouble Falling Asleep
What to Wear

Alan Catlin
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
A Night to Remember
Man from Planet X

James Duncan
Spiders at Night

Phyllis Hillinger
What The Girls Will Remember


Xiaoly Li
A Special Gesture

Kevin Ridgeway
Boogie Board Dick Rash
Uh Oh, Gotta Go

Frank S. Robinson
Five Small Words

David Romanda
Dear Liz

David Stallings
At the Altar
You Wanna Open the Diaper?
The Real Deal
His kitchen drawers


Gene Stearns
Haiku 7
Senryu 3

Jan Marin Tramontano
My Mother’s Silk Scarf

Dan Wilcox
Waiting for Jacqueline Robinson
The Poet’s Coat

Marne Wilson
What You Never Knew
Running For the Hills

Matt Zambito
Love Letter (Revised Sober)


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