Lloyd Barnhart



Who is best to tell the river’s history?
Give me an oldtimer…A storyteller;
One who has lived his entire life in the river’s valley.
(Better, still, if his ancestors lived there, too!)


Give me , not, the rich man,
Who seeks to buy the river for himself,
Thence to deprive others of the gifts given so freely
To all of us by Mother Nature.


Who has firsthand knowledge to vouch for the river?
Give me a fisherman, a life-long, regular fisherman;
One who has experienced her treasures and witnessed her evolution
Through the seasons of many years.


Give me, not, the celebrity
Who visits the river infrequently…to get in front of the camera.
He knows publicity;  He knows, not, the river.
His interest is passing, at best!


Whom can we count on to protect the river?
Give me an environmentalist, with a loud voice.
One who appreciates her many values
And is willing to fight to protect her.


Give me, not, a politician;
He may protect her;
He may exploit her.
All depends on where the votes and the money are!


Who, then, shall sing the river’s song?
Give me a poet, preferably a female;
A poet who is also a naturalist.
She will find words that will do the river justice!

Retired Jr. College Physical Educator/Coach…..Born and raised in the “Charmed Circle” of NY trout streams, River water flows through my arteries/veins!  I am a hunter…fisherman…naturalist…and Grandpa.

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