In celebration of National Poetry Month and the 2015 Albany Word Fest, Albany Poets is proud to release the third edition of Up The River, a journal of poetry, art, and photography.
Up the River is a journal of poetry, art & photography by Albany Poets Press celebrating the best in the arts not just from upstate New York, but from around the world.
Up The River, Issue Three is available for just $10.00 on ( and at Albany Poets events.
This issue of the journal was edited by Mary Panza, Kevin Peterson, and Carissa Haberland and features poetry and art from Iris Litt, Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois, Karen Schoemer, Malcolm Willison, Jonathan Bright, Robert Phelps, Cecele Kraus, Nancy Klepsch, Gary Murrow, James Summa, Dennis R. Rush, Thom Francis, Lee Pursewarden, Jan Marin Tramontano, Dawn Marar, Howard Kogan, Tom Riley, Samson Dikeman, Frank S. Robinson, Matthew Wallenstein, Valentina Cano, John Grey, Jennifer Lagier, R.M. Engelhardt, Alan Catlin, James Hodson, Dan Wilcox, Alex Nodopaka, Christopher Woods, and Griff Jurchak.
With each new issue of Up the River Albany Poets showcases original work from new and established poets, artists and photographers both in print and online on our website. The approach is to mix new technology and good old fashioned print publishing with Up The River.
The printing of this edition of Up The River was made possible by the very generous donations of the upstate New York poetry and spoken word community.